Lane County Arrest Mugshots – June 14, 2013

Information from the arrests of the following people is selected from the websites of Lane County Jail (LCJ) and Springfield Municipal Jail (SMJ). Pictures used in this article were taken from those websites and are public record. All those arrested are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
For an archive of all past mugshots articles, click here.
A list of criminal charges against persons and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges pertaining to property and definitions of each one can be found here.

Derek Harvick, 30 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on a charge of third-degree robbery.
Derek harvick, 30 - 6-7 - rob3

Jacob Edris, 26 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, DUII and reckless driving.
Jacob Edris,26 - 6-7 - duii, reck driv , p meth

Keith Hoeper, 58 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on a charge of delivery of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of a school.
Keith Hoeper, 58 - 6-7 - del meth 1000 school

Kishia Austin, 29 – Lodged in SMJ 6/7/13 on a charge of disorderly conduct.
Koshia Austin, 29 - 6-7 - dc

Rex Best, 50 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on a parole violation for attempted first-degree burglary.
Rex Best, 50 - 6-7 - att b1 par viol

Shannon Torbert, 42 – Lodged in SMJ 6/7/13 on two counts of physical harassment and a charge of resisting arrest.
Shannon Torbert, 42 - 6-7 SMJ - res arr, phys harrx2

Thomas Perkalis, 54 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on a parole violation for first-degree burglary.
Thomas Perkalis, 54 - 6-7 - b1 par viol

April Hanson, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on a warrant for possession of methamphetamine and three counts of failure to appear.
April Hanson, 25 - 6-6 - p meth warrant, ftax3

Bernadette Brown, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on a charge of resisting arrest.
Bernadette Brown, 35 - 6-6 - res arr

Brandon Payne, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on an order to produce and charges of first-degree robbery and unauthorized use of a vehicle.
Brandon Payne, 25 - 6-6 - order, rob1, uuv

Bryson Simmons, 19 – Lodged in SMJ 6/6/13 on two counts of reckless endangerment and a charge of harassment.
Bryson Simmons, 19 - 6-6 - SMJ - reck endx2, harr

Casey Owens, 39 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on a parole violation for delivery of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of a school.
Casey Owens, 39 - 6-6 - del meth within 1000 school par viol


  1. Well I'll be damned. It's good to finally put a name to the ugly face that sells meth to my neighbors. Jake Edris. Toothless skinny meth dealer. Yes I have seen you in your old silver mini truck here selling drugs. You even bring your two girls with you sometime. I hope the state takes your kids away. I know every time I see you I will be calling SPD and CPS.


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