Lane County Arrest Mugshots

Information from the arrests of the following people is selected from the websites of Lane County Jail (LCJ) and Springfield Municipal Jail (SMJ). Pictures used in this article were taken from those websites and are public record. All those arrested are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
For an archive of all past mugshots articles, click here.
A list of criminal charges against persons and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges pertaining to property and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges involving fraud or deception and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges against public order; firearms or other weapons; racketeering and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges against public health, decency and animals and definitions of each one can be found here.

Samson Aaron Dehart- Lodged in LCJ 1/24/14 on charges of identity theft and forgery-2.
4-Samson Aaron Dehart - 1-24 - id theft, forg2

Robert Dwayne Owens – Lodged in LCJ 1/28/14 on a parole violation for identity theft.
4-Robert Dwayne Owens - 1-28 - par v for id theft

Mindy Jo Dresser – Lodged in LCJ 1/18/14 on a felony probation violation for identity theft; charges of theft-2 and felon in possession of a restricted weapon.
4-Mindy Jo Dresser - 1-18 - fel prob v for id theft; t2, felon p rest weapon

Louana Cecile Shaw – Lodged in LCJ 1/18/14 on charges of identity theft, forgery-2 and possession of methamphetamine.
4-Louana Cecile Shaw - 1-18 - p meth, forg2, id theft

Jeffery William Nikkel – Lodged in LCJ 1/30/14 on charges of identity theft x11, theft-2 x6, forgery-2 and theft-1.
4-Jeffery William Nikkel - 1-30 - t1, id theftx11, forg2, t2x6

Dustin Jeffrey Shannon – Lodged in LCJ 2/2/14 on charges of identity theft x4 and possession of methamphetamine.
4-Dustin Jeffrey Shannon - 2-2 - id theftx4, p meth

Cindy Leigh Rivera – Lodged in LCJ 1/30/14 on charges of forgery-2 x3, criminal possession of a forged instrument-2 x2, theft of lost or mislaid property-1, theft-2, theft-1 by deception, escape-3 and false information to police x2.
4-Cindy Leigh Rivera - 1-30 - forg2x3, crim p forged instru2x2, theft mislaid or lost prop1, t2, t1 by dec, esc3, false infox2, .


  1. I come here to look for my daughter. Mothers day is coming and her little boy who is now 6 years old has not seen her for months. Drugs..........its a death warrant that has been invited into the home by selfish thrill seekers with no regard for the damage they cause others.

    1. To the mother looking for your daughter.. i could possibly help if i knew her name im a 22 yr old girl on the streets in and out of jail myself.. also these websites dont show anything close to all the mugshots/ arrests. also u can call the jail 541-682-4263 and they will tell u if shes in custody


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