Capacity Based Releases for Week Ending 1/20/13


L A N E   C O U N T Y   S H E R I F F ‘ S  O F F I C E

N E W S  R E L E A S E


DATE/TIME OF RELEASE:            1/23/13     8:30 am

NATURE OF STORY:                       Capacity Based Releases for Week Ending 1/20/13


The mission of the Sheriff’s Office is to conserve the peace. This includes keeping the public informed of public safety risks that exist in the community. In an effort to keep the public informed regarding a very real public safety concern, the following information is being released:

For the week of 1/14/13 through 1/20/13, 110 inmates were released from the Lane County Adult Correctional Facility due to lack of funded jail beds.  11 of those that were released had not completed their full sentences.  The remaining 99 releases were pre-trial defendants. 

Total CBRs for week ending 1/20/13:            110
                                             Sentenced:             11
                                             Pre-Trial:               99

The charges of the sentenced offenders who were released early due to lack of funded jail beds are below.   Their sentences are considered time served.

Theft 2                                                                Delivery of Marijuana w/in 1000 ft. of a School
Possession of Meth                                             Possession of a Controlled Substance 2
Burglary 1                                                          DUII
Contempt of Court                                            Interfering with a Firefighter/ EMT
Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle                         Forgery 1
Burglary 1 Parole Violation                              Felon in Possession of a Firearm Parole Violation

***Capacity Based Releases are done in accordance with a validated computer program that takes into account a defendant or offender’s danger to society based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the current charge the inmate is being held on.


  1. Do you realize that even without the capacity based release the jail would be full? You people are missing the big picture. You do not see what is happening right under your own noses.


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