Eugene Brothers Investigated in Child Porn Case (KEZI)

Brothers Investigated in Child Porn Case

EUGENE, Ore. — A local teacher and his brother with close ties to the Babe Ruth Baseball League in the Eugene area are in jail in Colorado. Jody and Jacky Allard are accused of leaving Oregon during a child pornography investigation.

Officials from the Bethel School District say they feel deeply disappointed with the former Shasta Middle School teacher and his brother. For the past two months the district couldn’t comment on the case, but now officials are speaking out since both Jody and Jacky Allard are in police custody.
On March 4, police raided Jody and Jacky Allard’s home on Tarpon Street in Eugene, seizing all electronics. A special agent with the Oregon Department of Justice says in the search warrant affidavit he had probable cause to believe one, or both, of the brothers were encouraging child sex abuse. That’s something that concerned the Bethel School District because Jody was a teacher at Shasta Middle School for 16 years.
“The allegations involve an adult who’s in position of authority and trust in our school and in our community, and that’s very disappointing for us,” said Pat McGillivray, Bethel School District Spokesman.
The district says since March, Jody Allard has been on administrative leave and hasn’t had any contact with students.
During the criminal investigation, privacy laws prevented administration from speaking on the allegations.
“It’s been really frustrating for our district not being able to say anything about this because they’ve only been allegations until this point. And now that the charges have been filed, we can share how deeply disappointed, we are shocked we were at the accusations and now the charges,” McGillivray said.
Fast forward to Sunday, authorities in Broomfield, Colorado arrested both Jody and Jacky. They’re currently lodged in the Broomfield County Jail, facing felony charges of being fugitives of justice and misdemeanors of falsely reporting to authorities.
The Bethel School District says it’ll recommend Allard be terminated from the district to the school board.
“We will support the investigation by any law enforcement agency as long as they want us to, and we have been cooperating with them and the investigation and will do whatever we can to facilitate that and not interfere in that progress,” McGillivray said.
The Willamette Valley Babe Ruth Baseball League, where both brothers were coaches, says it does annual background checks on all people who volunteer with the baseball teams, and nothing ever came on either Allard brothers’ background checks. It received an email from the Allards on March 4 announcing their resignations.


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