Lane County Arrest Mugshots – March 23, 2013

Information from the arrests of the following people is selected from the websites of Lane County Jail (LCJ) and Springfield Municipal Jail (SMJ). Pictures used in this article were taken from those websites and are public record. All those arrested are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
For an archive of all past mugshots articles, click here.
A list of criminal charges against persons and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges pertaining to property and definitions of each one can be found here.

Ron Harris – Lodged in LCJ 3/18/13 on charges of first-degree burglary and second-degree theft.
Ron harris - 3-18-13 - burg1, theft2

Ronald Short – Lodged in SMJ 3/18.13 on three counts of open container and five counts of criminal trespass.
Ronald Short - 3-18-13 - SMJ - open contx3, crim tresx5

Stuart Rogers – Lodged in SMJ 3/18/13 on two counts of third-degree theft, two counts of criminal trespass and a charge of disorderly conduct.
Stuart Rogers - 3-18-13 SMJ - theft3 x2, dis cond, crim tresx2

Terrence Liddell – Lodged in SMJ 3/16/13 on a charge of prostitutionRead more here.
Terrence Liddell - 3-16-13 prostitution arrest SMJ

Trask Ensminger – Lodged in LCJ 3/18/13 for failure to appear on a charge of DUII.
Trask Ensminger - 3-18-13 - fta DUII

Travis Waterman – Lodged in LCJ 3/18/13 on four counts of unlawful use of a weapon, four counts of pointing a firearm at another, three counts of menacing and unlawful possession of a firearm.
Travis Waterman - 3-18-13 - uuwx4, point forearm at anotherx4, menacingx3, unlaw poss firearm

Victoria Swanger – Lodged in LCJ 3/18/13 on two counts of identity theft, two counts of third-degree theft, possession of methamphetamine, credit card fraud, second-degree theft and conspiracy to commit identity theft.
Victoria Swanger - 3-18-13 - poss meth, id theftx2, fraud credit card, theft3x2, theft2, consp id theft

John Oldham – Lodged in SMJ 3/17/13 on a charge of DUII.
John Oldham - 3-17-13 SMJ - duii

Shawn Koenig – Lodged in SMJ 3/17/13 on a charge of driving while suspended.
Shawn Koenig - 3-17-13 SMJ - dws

Timothy Gagliasso – Lodged in SMJ 3/17/13 on a charge of third-degree theft.
Timothy Glaglisso - 3-17-13 - SMJ - theft3

Wesley Cole – Lodged in SMJ 3/17/13 on charges of physical harassment and criminal mischief; failure to appear on two counts of criminal trespass.
Wesley Cole - 3-17-13 - SMJ - phys harr, crim misc, crim misc ftax2

Zachariah Smith – Lodged in SMJ 3/17/13 on charges of resisting arrest, criminal trespass, third-degree escape and interfering with police.
Zachariah Smith - 3-17-13 SMJ - crim tres, esc3, int w police, res arr

Clint Ochodnicky – Lodged in LCJ 3/16/13 on charges of unlawful possession of methadone, attempt to elude police by foot and vehicle, resisting arrest, being a felon on possession of a restricted weapon, third-degree robbery, hit and run – property damage, reckless driving and recklessly endangering another person.
Clint Ochodnicky - 3-16-13 - unl poss methadone, att elude by foot and veh, res arr, felon poss rest weap, rob3, hit and run veh damage, reck drive, reck end

David Points – Lodged in LCJ 3/16/13 on charges of menacing and unlawful use of a weapon.
David Points - 3-16-13 - menaing, uuw

Jesse Herren – Lodged in SMJ 3/16/13 on a charge of third-degree theft.
Jesse Herren - 3-16-13 SMJ - theft3


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