Lane County Arrest Mugshots – July In Review

Information from the arrests of the following people is selected from the websites of Lane County Jail (LCJ) and Springfield Municipal Jail (SMJ). Pictures used in this article were taken from those websites and are public record. All those arrested are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
For an archive of all past mugshots articles, clichere.
A list of criminal charges against persons and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges pertaining to property and definitions of each one can be found here.

Kristin Hawk, 34 – Lodged in LCJ 7/21/13 on a probation violation for first-degree theft.
Kristin Hawk, 34 - 7-21 - prob viol t1 Junction City

Valerie Jackson, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 7/18/13 on three counts of first-degree aggravated theft and a charge of possession of heroin.
Valerie Jackson, 28 - 7-18 - p heroin, agg theft1x3

Michelle Gunn, 29 – Lodged in LCJ 7/13/13 as a fugitive from justice.
Michelle Gunn, 29 - 7-13 - ffj

Brandy Edwards, 39 – Lodged in LCJ 7/13/13 on a parole violation for failure to appear.
Brandy Edwards, 39 - 7-13 - par viol fta

Jennifer Bechtel, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 7/4/13 for failure to appear on charges of delivery of marijuana for consideration, manufacture of marijuana and first-degree child neglect; charges of identity theft (four counts), first-degree forgery (three counts), first-degree theft (two counts), providing false information to police, possession of a stolen vehicle, unauthorized use of a vehicle and attempted second-degree theft.
Jennifer Bechtel, 27 - 7-4 - fta for del mj cons, manu mj and child neglect1; id theftx4, forg2, forg1x3, att t2, uuv, t1x2, forg1x2, poss stolen veh, false info

Stephanie Cheek, 20 – Lodged in LCJ 7/6/13 on two counts of disorderly conduct.
Stephanie Cheek, 20 - 7-6 - dcx2

Mandy Espy, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 7/21/13 on a charge of criminal trespass.
Mandy Espy, 33v - 7-21 - ct

Carmen Gomez, 22 – Lodged in LCJ 7/8/13 on a probation violation for failure to appear on charges of possession of methamphetamine and third-degree assaultRead more here.
Carmen Gomez, 22 - 7-8 - fta for p meth and ass3  - prob viol

Regina Augdon, 29 – Lodged in LCJ 6/28/13 on five counts of second-degree theft.
Regina Augdon, 29 - 6-28 - t2x5

Samantha Braley, 19 – Lodged in LCJ 7/12/13 on charges of felony fourth-degree assault APA and fourth-degree assault.
Samantha Braley, 19 - 7-12 - ass4, ass4 fel apa

Jennifer Jones, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 7/2/13 for failure to appear on charges of fourth-degree assault and harassment; charges of second- and third-degree robbery, attempted unauthorized use of a vehicle, unauthorized use of a vehicle, fourth-degree assault and unlawful use of a weaponRead more here.
Jennifer Jones, 28 - 7-2 - fta ass4 and harr, rob 2 3, uuv, uuv att, ass4, uuw

Kylou Walklin, 38 – Lodged in LCJ 7/7/13 for failure to appear on two counts of contempt of court.
Kylou Walklin, 38 - 7-7 - fta ccx2

Corey Reed, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 7/9/13 on a charge of first-degree child neglect and a probation violation for first-degree child neglect.
Corey Reed, 33 - 7-9 - child neglect1, prob viol for cn1

Julie Ann Sullivan, 34 – Lodged in LCJ 7/8/13 on a charge of first-degree criminal mistreatment. (Probation revoked)
Julie Ann Sullivan, 34 - 7-8 - crim mistreatment1 prob rev

Brittany Chapman, 23 – Lodged in LCJ 7/11/13 on charges of unauthorized use of a vehicle, possession of methamphetamine, reckless driving and eluding police by vehicle; failure to appear on two counts of possession of methamphetamine, possession of heroin, identity theft, unauthorized use of a vehicle and possession of a forged instrument.
Brittany Chapman, 23 - 7-11 - uuv, p meth, reck driv, elude by v; fta for p methx2, p heroin, id theft, p forged instru, uuv

Thomas Conrad, 21 – Lodged in LCJ 7/3/13 for failure to appear on charges of possession of methamphetamine and assault; charges of unauthorized use of a vehicle, failure to appear and unlawful possession of a firearm and a probation violation for felon in possession of a firearmRead more here.
Thomas Conrad, 21 - 7-3 - fta p meth and ass, uuv, fta, unl poss firearm, felon firearm prob viol

Sandra Minton, 46 – Lodged in LCJ 7/16/13 on charges of unlawful use of a weapon and menacing APA.
Sandra Minton, 46 - 7-16 - men apa, uuw

Brandilee McGregor, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 7/10/13 on a probation sanction for unlawful possession of a controlled substance – Schedule 1.
Brandilee McGregor, 33 - 7-10 - upcs 1 prob sanc

Crystal Claassen, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 7/19/13 on a parole violation for delivery of heroin.
Crystal Claassen, 35 - 7-19 - par viol d heroin

Christina Anderson, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 7/13/13 on charges of first-degree burglary and third-degree theft.
Christina Anderson , 35 - 7-13 - t3, b1

Stephen Snyder, 65 – Lodged in LCJ 6/27/13 on a charge of DUII.
Stephen Snyder, 65 - 6-27 - duii

Joe Johansen, 37 – Lodged in LCJ 6/26/13 on a federal offense hold.
Joe Johansen, 37 - 6-26 - fed hold

Kimberly Singler, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 7/1/13 on two counts of second-degree theft.
Kimberly Singler, 28 - 7-1 - t2x2

Jesus Cortez, 18 – Lodged in LCJ 7/18/13 on charges of attempted unauthorized use of a vehicle and eluding police by vehicle.
Jesus Cortez, 18 - 7-18 - att uuv, elude by v

Daniel Delsied, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 7/12/13 on a probation sanction for possession of methamphetamine.
Daniel Delsied, 28 - 7-12 - prob sanc p meth

Juan Diaz, 24 – Lodged in LCJ 7/2/13 on a probation violation for two counts of felony fourth-degree assault.
Juan Diaz, 24 - 7-2 - ass4 fel prob violx2

Ronald Parr, 45 – Lodged in LCJ 7/4/13 on a charge of possession of methamphetamine and a warrant for supplying contrabandRead more here.
Ronald Parr, 45 - 7-4 - p meth, warrant for supplly contraband

Matthew Long, 43 – Lodged in LCJ 7/18/13 on a warrant for second-degree custodial interference.
Matthew Long, 43 - 7-18 - custodial int2 warrant

Elaine Oltman, 34 – Lodged in LCJ 7/2/13 on a charge of DUII.
Elaine Oltman, 34 - 7-2 - DUII

Thomas Miller, 50 – Lodged in SMJ 7/4/13 on charges of fourth-degree assault and disorderly conduct.
Thomas Miller, 50 - 7-4 SMJ - dc, ass4

Jeffrey Glassmyer, 31 – Lodged in LCJ 7/19/13 on a warrant for unauthorized use of a vehicleRead more here.
Jeffrey Glassmyer, 31 - 7-19 - warrant uuv

Mary Pierce, 47 – Lodged in LCJ 7/9/13 on a probation violation for aggravated identity theft and identity theft; extradition for failure to appear, identity theft, possession of methamphetamine and second-degree theft; 30 counts of identity theft and a charge of first-degree theft.
Mary Pierce, 47 - 7-9 - prob viol for agg id theft, id theft - extradition for fta, t2, p meth and id theft - id theftx30, t1

Michael Scott, 36 – Lodged in LCJ 7/11/13 on a charge of felon in possession of a firearm.
Matthew Scott, 36 - 7-11 - felon firearm

Jordan Crump, 20 – Lodged in LCJ 6/26/13 for failure to appear on charges of possession of methamphetamine and possession of marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school.
Jordan Crump, 20 - 6-26 - fta poss mj1000 school and p meth

Daryl Johnson, 39 – Lodged in LCJ 7/20/13 on a warrant for possession of methamphetamine. Read more here.
Daryl Johnson, 39 - 7-20 - warr for p meth

Jennifer Hallberg, 21 – Lodged in LCJ 7/13/13 on a charge of third-degree robbery.
Jennifer Hallberg, 21 - 7-13 - rob3

Jorge Tapia-Nunez, 34 – Lodged in LCJ 7/15/13 on an immigration hold and two counts of attempted strangulation APA, two counts of menacing APA, two counts of unlawful use of a weapon and a charge of felony fourth-degree assault APA.
Jorge Tapia Nunez, 34 - 7-15 - im  hold, att strang apax2, men apax2, ass4 fel apa, uuwx2

Albert Olsen, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 7/16/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, delivery of marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school and criminal trespass.
Albert Olsen, 27 - 7-16 - p meth, del mj 1000 school, ct

Susanne Harrelson, 40 – Lodged in LCJ 7/18/13 on charges of fourth-degree assault and physical harassment.
Susanne Harrelson, 40 - 7-18 - ass4, phys harr

William Minnick, 46 – Lodged in LCJ 7/17/13 on two counts of contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor and a charge of third-degree sexual abuse.
William Minnick, 46 b- 7-17 -sex abuse3, cont sex delinq minorx2

Lisa Banninger, 22 – Lodged in LCJ 6/30/13 on charges of criminal mischief and first-degree burglary; failure to appear on charges of second-degree theft and second-degree burglary.
Lisa Banninger, 22 - 6-30 - cm, b1, fta for b2 and t2 oakridge

Scott Middleton, 30 – Lodged in LCJ 7/10/13 for failure to appear on charges of DUII and reckless driving.
Scott Middleton, 30 - 7-10 - fta for duii and reck driv

Conrad Middleton, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 7/6/13 on a charge of contempt of court – violation of a restraining order.
Conrad Middleton, 25 - 7-6 - cc vro

Travis Hendrickson, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 7/16/13 for failure to appear on four counts of first-degree theft and charges of possession of methamphetamine, first-degree burglary, unlawful possession of a firearm, third-degree escape and interfering with police.
Travis Hendrickson, 28 - 7-16 - all fta - p meth, b1, unl poss firearm, esc3, int w pol, t1x4

Ramon Garcia-Yepez, 31 – Lodged in LCJ 7/1/13 on a federal offense hold.
Ramon Garcia Yepez, 31 - 7-1 - fed hold

Zackery Yocham, 24 – Lodged in LCJ 7/15/13 on charges of criminal mischief, criminal trespass, first-degree theft, possession of a stolen vehicle, unauthorized use of a vehicle, first- and second-degree theft, attempt to elude police by vehicle and by foot; failure to appear on a charge of first-degree theft.
Zackery Yocham, 24 - 7-15 - cm, ct, b1, p stolen veh, uuv, t1, t2, att eldude by foot and veh; fta t1

Daniel Holliday, 34 – Lodged in SMJ 7/19/13 on charges of improper use of 9-1-1 emergency and endangering the welfare of a minor.
Daniel Holliday, 34 - 7-19 - SMJ - improper use 911 emergency, end welf minor

Ronald Vincent, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 7/12/13 on a charge of interfering with police.
Ronald Vincent, 33v - 7-12 - int w pol

William Cameron, 49 – Lodged in LCJ 7/4/13 on a federal offense hold and a charge of criminal mischief.
William Cameron, 49 - 7-4 - fed hold, cm

Ralph Thornhill, 26 – Lodged in LCJ 7/8/13 on a parole violation for attempted first-degree robbery.
Ralph Thornhill, 26 - 7-8 - par viol att rob1

Joseph Penland, 54 – Lodged in LCJ 7/2/13 on a parole violation for coercion; charges of coercion, unlawful use of a weapon, false information to police, fourth-degree assault APA and two counts of fourth-degree assault.
Joseph penland, 54 - 7-2 - coercion par viol, corercion, uuw, ass4x2, ass4 apa, false info

Diego Hernandez, 22 – Lodged in LCJ 7/3/13 on charges of first-degree criminal mistreatment; first-, second- and third-degree assault.
Diego Hernandez, 22 - 7-3 - ass1 2 3, crim mistreat1

Jacob Friedrich, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 7/12/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, possession of a burglary tool and unauthorized use of a vehicle.
Jacob Friedrich, 35 - 7-12 - p meth, p burg tool, uuv

Gary Walls, 37 – Lodged in LCJ 7/4/13 on a parole violation for second-degree robbery.
Gary Walls, 37 - 7-4 - par viol rob2

Anthony Adams, 44 – Lodged in LCJ 7/2/13 on an order to produce and charges of unauthorized use of a vehicle, possession of a stolen vehicle, criminal mischief, eluding police by foot and two counts of second-degree theft.
Anthony Adams, 44 - 7-2 - ord to prod, uuv, t2x2, poss stol veh, cm, elude by foot

Robert Chuey, 62 – Lodged in LCJ 6/27/13 on charges of DUII and menacing. (Probation revoked)
Robert Chuey, 62 - 6-27 - duii, men, - prob rev

Terri Dearinger, 61 – Lodged in LCJ 7/17/13 on a charge of fourth-degree assault APA.
Terri Dearinger, 61 - 7-17 - ass4 apa

George Muzek, 63 – Lodged in LCJ 7/16/13 for failure to appear on a charge of possession of marijuana.
George Muzek, 63 - 7-16 - fta p mj

Danny Wise, 57 – Lodged in LCJ 7/8/13 on two counts of DUII, three counts of reckless endangering and a charge of reckless driving.
Danny Wise, 57 - 7-8 - duiix2, reck endx3, reck driv

Bruce Farthing, 61 – Lodged in LCJ 7/9/13 on a probation violation for failure to appear on a charge of possession of heroin.
Bruce Farthing, 61 - 7-9 - prob viol fta p heroin

Debra Klang, 62 – Lodged in LCJ 7/8/13 on a charge of DUII.
Debra Klang, 62 - 7-8 - duii

Gregg Tucker, 57 – Lodged in LCJ 7/9/13 on charges of criminal mischief, menacing, menacing APA, fourth-degree assault and resisting arrest. Read more here.
Gregg Tucker, 57 - 7-9 - cm, men apa, men, ass4, res arr

Sheldon Stark, 63 – Lodged in SMJ 6/27/13 on a charge of criminal trespassRead more here.
Sheldon Stark, 63 - 6-27 - SMJ - ct

James Robb, Jr., 56 – Lodged in LCJ 7/5/13 on a charge of attempted possession of heroin.
James Robb Jr, 56 - 7-5 - att poss heroin

Richard Lee, 62 – Lodged in LCJ 6/29/13 on charges of resisting arrest and physical harassment.
Richard Lee, 62 - 6-29 SMJ - phys harr, res arr

Tony McColm, 60 – Lodged in LCJ 6/26/13 as a transported prisoner.
Tony McColm, 60 - 6-26 - transport pris

Rod Adams, 57 – Lodged in LCJ 7/6/13 on charges of open container/consumption of alcohol on unlicensed premises, prohibited noise disturbance and furnishing liquor to a minor.
Rod Adams, 57 - 7-6 - open cont, fta for proh noise dist and furn liq to minor

Armad Scott, 40 – Lodged in LCJ 6/27/13 on a parole violation for possession of methamphetamine and a charge of driving while suspended.
Armad Scott, 40 - 6-27 - dws, par viol for p meth

Rebecca Baldwin, 23 – Lodged in LCJ 7/2/13 on charges of interfering with police and disorderly conduct; failure to appear on a charge of telephone harassment.
Rebecca Baldwin, 23 - 7-2 - fta tele harr - int w pol, dc

Christopher McIntire, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 7/16/13 on a charge of interfering with police and failure to appear on a charge of contempt of court.
Christopher McIntire, 27 - 7-16 - fta cc; int w pol

Deborah Wheeler, 50 – Lodged in LCJ 7/13/13 on a charge of delivery of heroin.
Deborah Wheeler, 50 - 7-13 - del heroin

Aaron Sola, 32 – Lodged in LCJ 7/11/13 on a charge of unlawful possession of a controlled substance – Schedule 1.
Aaron Sola, 32 - 7-11 - pcs1

Jesse Garza, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 7/10/13 on charges of possession of a controlled substance (Schedule 1), possession of methamphetamine, delivery of methamphetamine, resisting arrest, delivery of marijuana for consideration, fourth-degree assault and failure to appear.
Jesse Garza, 27 - 7-10 - upcs1, p meth, d meth, res arr, ass4, del mj cons, fta

John Willis, 29 – Lodged in LCJ 7/3/13 for failure to appear on charges of delivery of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of a school and possession of methamphetamine.
John Willis, 29 - 7-3 - fta p meth and d meth within 1000 school

Sergio Iboa-Garcia, 20 – Lodged in LCJ 6/27/13 on a charge of physical harassment APA.
Sergio Iboa Garcia, 20 - 6-27 - phys harr apa

Calvin Young, 60 – Lodged in LCJ 7/19/13 on charges of reckless driving, felony driving while suspended and felony DUII.
Calvin Young, 60 - 7-19 - dws fel, duii fel, reck drv

Todd Ball, 45 – Lodged in LCJ 7/17/13 on a parole violation for first-degree burglary and failure to appear on charges of unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle, possession of a burglary tool or theft device, third-degree theft, reckless driving and two counts of interfering with police.
Todd Ball, 45 - 7-17 - par viol for b1; rest fta - uemv, int w polx2, poss burg tool theft dev, t3, reck driv

Jacqueline Martinez, 31 – Lodged in LCJ 6/27/13 on 50 counts of felony mail theftRead more here.
Jacqueline Martinez, 31 - 6-27 - felony mail theftx50

Lucas Mead, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 7/3/13 for failure to appear on two counts of criminal trespass and a charges of criminal mischief.
Lucas Mead, 33 - 7-3 - cm, fta ctx2

Samantha Weekly, 22 – Lodged in LCJ 7/12/13 on charges of false information to police and possession of heroin; warrant for delivery of heroin.
Samantha Weekly, 22 - 7-12 - false info, p heroin; warrant for d heroin

Gregory Baker, 53 – Lodged in SMJ 7/2/13 on a charge of second-degree theftRead more here.
Gregory Baker, 53 - 7-2 SMJ - t2

Breauna Hall, 26 – Lodged in LCJ 6/30/13 on a charge of possession of methamphetamine; failure to appear on three counts of possession of methamphetamine and charges of identity theft, first- and second-degree theft.
Breauna Hall, 26 - 6-30 - p meth, fta for p methx3, t1, t2 and id theft

Kasey Morley, 20 – Lodged in LCJ 7/6/13 on charges of interfering with making a police report and fourth-degree assault.
Kasey Morley, 20 - 7-6- - int w making pol rpt, ass4

Marcus Crowe, 28 – Lodged in SMJ 7/3/13 on a charge of criminal trespass. Read more here.
Marcus Crowe, 28 - 7-3 SMJ - ct

Carl Dirden, 38 – Lodged in SMJ 7/21/13 on a charge of disorderly conduct.
Carl Dirden, 38 - 7-21 SMJ - dc

Brandon Blair, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 7/5/13 on charges of identity theft, criminal trespass and providing false information to police.
Brandon Blair, 27 - 7-5 - id theft, false info, ct

Jami Wyatt-Ferguson, 36 – Lodged in LCJ 6/30/13 on two counts of DUII, three counts of reckless endangerment, reckless driving and driving without privilegesRead more here.
Jami Wyatt, 36 - 6-30 - DUIIx2, reck endx3, reck driv, driving wo priv

Timothy Haynes, 60 – Lodged in LCJ 7/20/13 on two counts of unlawful use of a weapon, two counts of attempted first-degree assault and charges of menacing APA, menacing and reckless endangering. Read more here.
Timothy Haynes, 60 - 7-20 - uuwx2, att ass1x2, men apa, men, reck end

Trisha Newsom, 38 – Lodged in LCJ 7/20/13 on charges of third-degree escape and resisting arrest.
Trisha Newsom, 38 - 7-20 - res arr, esc3

Jeffrey Nikkel, 35 - Lodged in LCJ 7/21/13 on three counts of first-degree theft, three counts of identity theft and a charge of criminal trespass.
Jeffrey Nikkel, 35 - 7-21 - id theftx3, t1x3, ct

Larry Larsen, 42 – Lodged in SMJ 6/26/13 on a charge of DUII. Read more here.
Larry Larsen, 42 - 6-26 - SMJ - DUII

Devon Glenn, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 7/2/13 on charges of unauthorized use of a vehicle, unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle, attempt to elude police by foot and vehicle, interfering with police, first-degree theft, reckless driving and hit and run – property damageRead more here.
Devin Glenn, 33 - 7-2 - uuv, uemv, p stolen veh, att elude by foot and veh, int w pol, t1, reck driv, hr prop dmg

Isiaha Ansell, 26 – Lodged in LCJ 7/12/13 on a parole violation for first-degree burglary.
Isiaha Ansell, 26 - 7-12 - par viol b1

Kharisma Johnson, 38 – Lodged in LCJ 7/20/13 on eight counts of identity theft and a warrant for possession of methamphetamine.
Kharisma Johnson, 38 - 7-20 - warr p meth, id theftx8

Michelle Mart, 42 – Lodged in LCJ 6/25/13 on a warrant for possession of methamphetamine.
Michelle Mart, 42 - 6-25 - p meth warrant

Jacqueline Silverthorn, 31 – Lodged in LCJ 7/28/13 on two counts of first-degree burglary, five counts of first-degree theft, two counts of second-degree theft, three counts of identity theft and failing to appear on the charge third-degree theft.

Lane County Mugshots


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