Lane County Arrest Mugshots – June In Review

Information from the arrests of the following people is selected from the websites of Lane County Jail (LCJ) and Springfield Municipal Jail (SMJ). Pictures used in this article were taken from those websites and are public record. All those arrested are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
For an archive of all past mugshots articles, click here.
A list of criminal charges against persons and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges pertaining to property and definitions of each one can be found here.

Jacob Edris, 26 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, DUII and reckless driving.
Jacob Edris,26 - 6-7 - duii, reck driv , p meth

Cherish Porter, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 6/21/13 on a parole violation for possession of methamphetamine.
Cherish Porter, 28 - 6-21 - par viol p meth

Breauna Hall, 26 – Lodged in LCJ 6/20/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, identity theft, first- and second-degree theft.
Breauna Hall, 26 - 6-20 - id theft, t1, t2, p meth

Shaun Elwell, 40 – Lodged in LCJ 6/20/13 for failure to appear six counts of criminal trespass, three counts of violating park rules and a charge of third-degree theft.
Shaun Elwell, 40 - 6-20 - all fta - vio park rulesx3, ctx6, t3

Krystal Yancey, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 6/20/13 on a probation violation for possession of methamphetamine and failure to appear on three counts of third-degree theft.
Krystal Yancey, 27 - 6-20 - p meth prob viol, fta t3

Nichole Heilman, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 6/18/13 on charges of assault and harassment.
Nichole Heilman, 25 - 6-18 - harr, ass

Kaila Galloway, 21 – Lodged in LCJ 6/18/13 on charges of interfering with making a police report and fourth-degree assault APA.
Kaila Galloway, 21 - 6-18 - ass4 apa, int w mkg pol rpt

Brian Lark, 44 – Lodged in LCJ 6/18/13 on two counts of disorderly conduct and charges of criminal mischief and criminal trespass.
Brian lark, 44 - 6-18 - ct, cm, dcx2

Angela Kyvelos, 24 – Lodged in LCJ 6/17/13 on a charge of failure to appear.
Angela Kyvelos, 24 - 6-17 - fta

Phyllis Calkins, 46 – Lodged in LCJ 6/18/13 on a charge of fourth-degree assault. Read more here.
Phyllis Calkins, 46 - 6-18 - ass4

Erik Libbert, 42 – Lodged in LCJ 6/17/13 on charges of second-degree assault and first-degree burglary.Read more here.
Erik Libbert, 42 - 6-17 - b1, ass1

Christina Gent, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 6/17/13 on a charge of fourth-degree assault.
Christina Gent, 28 - 6-17 - ass4

Joanne Sneed, 36 – Lodged in LCJ 6/17/13 on a charge of possession of methamphetamine.
Joanne Sneed, 36 - 6-17 - p meth

Jeremy Lauriguet, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 6/17/13 on charges of first-degree burglary and third-degree robbery; parole violation for possession of heroinRead more here.
Jeremy Lauriguet, 33 - 6-17

Shaihana McIntosh, 21 – Lodged in LCJ 6/15/13 on charges of fourth-degree assault, reckless endangerment, first-degree burglary and first-degree theft.
Shaihana McIntosh, 21 - 6-15 - ass4, b1, t1, reck end

James Totten, 44 – Lodged in LCJ 6/15/13 on a charge of third-degree theft.
James Totten, 44 - 6-15 - t3

Jacob Rasmussen, 40 – Lodged in SMJ 6/14/13 on charges of violating downtown public safety zone restrictions and criminal trespass.
Jacob Rasmussen, 40 - 6-14 SMJ - vio downtown pun safe zone rest, ct

Courtney Wales, 23 – Lodged in LCJ 6/14/13 on a charge of felony fourth-degree assault.
Courtney Wales, 23 - 6-14 - fel ass4

Andrew Deichler, 20 – Lodged in SMJ 6/13/13 on a charge of assault.
Andrew Deichler, 20 - 6-13 - SMJ - assault

Gabreaona Gibson, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 6/12/13 on a charge of possession of methamphetamine.
Gabreaona Gibson - 25 - 6-12 - p meth

Garen Theis, 45 – Lodged in LCJ 6/12/13 on charges of contempt of court – violation of a restraining order, DUII and possession of methamphetamine.
Garen Theis, 45 - 6-12 - duii, p meth, cc vro

David Branham, 28 – Lodged in SMJ 6/12/13 on a charge of DUII.
David Brnaham, 28 - 6-12 SMJ - duii
Precious York, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 6/12/13 on a parole violation for first-degree theft.
Precious York, 28 - 6-12 - t1 par viol

Misty Motley, 19 – Lodged in LCJ 6/12/13 on two counts of unlawful use of a weapon and charges of menacing APA and coercion.
Misty Motley, 19 - 6-12 - men apa, uuwx2, coercion

Jolene Fleming, 30 – Lodged in LCJ 6/12/13 on charges of possession of a stolen vehicle, identity theft and possession of methamphetamine.
Jolene Fleming, 30 - 6-12 - p stol veh, id theft, p meth

Jeremie Perry, 24 – Lodged in LCJ 6/12/13 for failure to appear on a charge of third-degree theft.
Jeremie Perry, 24 - 6-12 - t3 fta

Kristan Gabert, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 6/11/13 on a charge of second-degree theft.
Kristan Gabert, 27 - 6-11 - t2

Jordan Moe, 21 – Lodged in LCJ 6/10/13 on charges of disorderly conduct, tampering with a witness, menacing, criminal mischief and resisting arrest; parole violation for second-degree assault.
Jordan Moe, 21 - 6-10 - dc, tamp w wit, men, cm, res arr, par viol for ass2

Tom Vanderpool, 48 – Lodged in LCJ 6/10/13 on two counts of fourth-degree assault and a charge of strangulation.
Tom Vanderpool, 48 - 6-10 - starng, ass4x2

Marcus Brown - Lodged in SMJ 6/8/13 on three counts of reckless endangerment and charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
Marcus Brown, 24 - 6-8 - SMJ - reck endx3, res arr, dc

Jose Vargas, 35 – Lodged in SMJ 6/8/13 on a charge of DUII.
Jose Vargas, 35 - 6-8 - SMJ - duii

Charles Evans, 54 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 for failure to appear on five counts of disorderly conduct and three counts of criminal trespass.
Charles Evans, 54 - 6-7 - all fta ctx3, dcx5

Michelle Harrison, 30 – Lodged in LCJ 6/8/13 on a parole violation for identity theft; two counts of second-degree theft and two counts of credit card fraud.
Moichelle Harrison, 30 - 6-8 - cc fraudx2, t2x2, id theft par viol

Michael Martinka, 53 – Lodged in LCJ 6/8/13 on a parole violation for delivery of marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school.
Michael Martinka, 53 - 6-8 - par viol del mj 1000

Bernadette Brown, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on a charge of resisting arrest.
Bernadette Brown, 35 - 6-6 - res arr

April Hanson, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on a warrant for possession of methamphetamine and three counts of failure to appear.
April Hanson, 25 - 6-6 - p meth warrant, ftax3

Shannon Torbert, 42 – Lodged in SMJ 6/7/13 on two counts of physical harassment and a charge of resisting arrest.
Shannon Torbert, 42 - 6-7 SMJ - res arr, phys harrx2

Keith Hoeper, 58 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on a charge of delivery of methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of a school.
Keith Hoeper, 58 - 6-7 - del meth 1000 school

Derek Harvick, 30 – Lodged in LCJ 6/7/13 on a charge of third-degree robbery.
Derek harvick, 30 - 6-7 - rob3

Kristien Suldan, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on charges of second-degree theft, fourth-degree assault and disorderly conduct.
Kristien Suldan, 28 - 6-6 - ass4, dc, t2

Joshua Carlson, 27 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on a federal offense hold and a parole violation for first-degree burglary.
Joshua carlson, 27 - 6-6 - fed off hold, b1 par viol

Jason Speed McLaughlin, 40 – Lodged in LCJ 6/6/13 on charges of felony fourth-degree assault APA, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.
Jason Speed McLaughlin, 40 - 6-6 - dc, ass4 fel apa, ct

David Perry, 52 – Lodged in LVJ 6/5/13 for failure to appear on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm and first-degree theft.
David Perry, 52 - 6-5 - fta for t1 and felon foirearm

Bobby Isitt, 24 – Lodged in LCJ 6/5/13 on four counts of second-degree rape, two counts of first-degree sodomy, two counts of first-degree unlawful sexual penetration, two counts of second-degree unlawful sexual penetration and two counts of second-degree sodomyRead more here.
Bobby Isitt, 24 - 6-5 - rape1x2, sod1x2, unl sex pen1x2, unl sex2x2, sod2x2,

Rachel Morris, 21 – Lodged in LCJ 6/5/13 for failure to appear on a charge of second-degree theft.
Rachel Morris, 21 - 6-5 - t2 fta

Nicole Fetters, 22 – Lodged in LCJ 6/5/13 on a charge of second-degree theft.
Nicole Fetters, 22 - 6-5 - t2

Kerian Day, 23 – Lodged in LCJ 6/5/13 on two counts of third-degree assault.
Kerian Day, 23 - 6-5 - ass3x2

John Tipton, 46 – Lodged in LCJ 6/5/13 on a probation violation for failure to appear on a charge of criminal mischief.
John Tipton, 46 - 6-5 - cm fta prob viol

Daryl Vancil, 69 – Lodged in LCJ 6/4/13 on a charge of third-degree sexual abuse.
Daryl Vancil, 69 - 6-4 - sex abuse3

Anne Winter, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 6/4/13 as a fugitive from justice.
Anne Winter, 28 - 6-4 - ffj

Stephanie Mayer, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 6/4/13 on a probation violation for three counts of possession of methamphetamine; new charges of providing false information to police, interfering with police, resisting arrest, and escape from custody.
Stephanie Mayer, 28 - 6-4 - false info, int w pol, esc from cust, res arr, p methx3 prob viol

Rodney Retzman, 49 – Lodged in LCJ 6/4/13 on charges of assaulting a public safety officer and resisting arrest.
Rodney Retzman, 49 - 6-4 - ass pub safe off, res arr

Jason Brandner, 32 – Lodged in LCJ 6/4/13 on charges of delivery of methamphetamine, possession of methamphetamine, eluding police by vehicle and being a felon in possession of a firearm; a parole violation for identity theft. Read more here.
Jason Brandner, 32 - 6-4 - del meth, p meth, e by veh, felon firearm, id theft par viol

Edward Manderscheid, 32 - Lodged in LCJ 6/4/13 on a parole violation for first-degree robbery.
Edward Manderscheid, 32 - 6-4 - rob1 par viol

Harry Pankey, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 6/3/13 on a charge of sex offender failure to report and six counts of delivery of cocaine. (Probation revoked)
Harry Pankey, 33 - 6-3 - sex off fail rpt, del cocaonex6 prob rev

Dede Hernandez, 34 – Lodged in LCJ 6/3/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, identity theft and aggravated identity theft. (Probation revoked)
Dede Hernandez, 34 - 6-3 - p meht, agg id theft and id theft prob rev

Christina Frazier, 41 – Lodged in LCJ 6/3/13 on a charge of criminal trespass.
Christina Frazier, 41 - 6-3 - ct

Chayla Nameth, 18 – Lodged in LCJ 6/3/13 on charges of third-degree robbery, second-degree theft and physical harassment.
Chayla Nameth, 18 - 6-3 - rob3, phys harr, t2

Johnathan Leamen, 21 – Lodged in LCJ 6/2/13 on a charge of third-degree theft and a probation violation for possession of methamphetamine.
Johnathan Leamen, 21 - 6-2 - t3, p meth prob viol

Lonnie King, 42 – Lodged in LCJ 6/3/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, possession of a burglary tool and unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle.
Lonnie King, 42 - 6-3 - p meth, uemv, poss burg tool

Oscar Wilford, 42 – Lodged in SMJ 6/2/13 on a charge of DUII.
Oscar Wilford, 42 - 6-2 SMJ - duii

Allyn Williams, 62 – Lodged in LCJ 5/31/13 on a charge of criminal mischief.
Allyn Williams, 62 - 5-31 - SMJ, cm

Kevin Cumiford, 52 – Lodged in LCJ 6/1/13 on a parole violation for third-degree robbery.
Kevin Cumiford, 52 - 6-1 - rob3 par viol

John Craft-Jones, 62 – Lodged in SMJ 5/31/13 on charges of DUII and reckless driving.
John Craft Jones, 62 - 5-31 SMJ - duii, reck driv

Jeremy Prosch, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 5/31/13 as a fugitive from justice.
Jeremy Prosch, 33 - 5-31 - ffj

Aroya Newton, 19 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on a charge of of fourth-degree assault APA.
Aroya Newton, 19 - 5-30 - ass4 apa

Amanda Harley, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 for failure to appear on charges of escape from custody, interfering with police and carrying a concealed weapon.
Amanda Harley, 25 - 5-30 - all fta - esc from custpdy, int w pol, ccw

James Hardin, 58 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 for failing to appear on a charge of DUII.
James Hardin, 58 - 5-30 - fta duii

Gary Mortensen, 29 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 for failure to appear on three counts of failure to appear, two counts of possession of marijuana and charges of first-degree unlawful possession of a controlled substance, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, interfering with police and providing false information to police.
Gary Mortensen, 29 - 5-30 - all fta - upcs1, p mjx2, res arr, dc, ct, ftax3. int w pol, false into

Flavio Soriano, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on charges of first-degree online sexual corruption of a child and attempted use of a child in display of sexRead more here.
Flavio Soriano, 25 - 5-30 - online sex corr child1, use child in display sex att

Christopher Perez, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine and delivery of methamphetamine.
Christopher Perez, 35 - 5-30 - d and p meth

Shannon Emra, 38 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on a charge of third-degree assault.
Shannon Emra, 38 - 5-30 - ass3

Sasha Tuckey, 25 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on a parole violation for possession of heroin.
Sasha Tuckey, 25 - 5-30 - p heroin par viol

Richard Krumlauf, 46 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on two counts of menacing APARead more here.
Richard Krumlauf, 46 - 5-30 - men apax2

Jesse Shannon, 47 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on a warrant for possession of methamphetamine, failure to appear on a charge of criminal trespass and a charge of third-degree theft.
Jesse Shannon, 47 - 5-30 - p meth warr, ct fta, t3

Breezy Miller, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 5/29/13 on a parole violation for first-degree burglary.
Breezy Miller, 35 - 5-29 - b1 par viol

Teresa Finkle, 37 – Lodged in LCJ 5/30/13 on a charge of possession of methamphetamine and a warrant for first-degree theft.
Teresa Finkle, 37 - 5-30 - p meth, t1 warrant

Skip Mahoney, 59 – Lodged in LCJ 5/29/13 for failure to appear on a charge of third-degree theft.
Skip Mahoney, 59 - 5-29 - t3 fta

Sean Schneider, 43 – Lodged in LCJ 5/29/13 for failure to appear on charges of menacing and fourth-degree assault APA.
Sean Schnieder, 43 - 5-29 - ass4 apa and men apa fta

Robert Perry, 28 – Lodged in LCJ 5/29/13 on a parole violation for unlawful possession of a machine/short gun.
Robert Perry, 28 - 5-29 - par viol unl poss mech shjort gun

John Catron, 35 – Lodged in LCJ 5/29/13 on charges of fourth-degree assault APA, attempt to elude police by vehicle, reckless driving, DUII and resisting arrest.
John catron, 35 - 5-29 - ass4 apa, att elude by veh, reck driv, duii, res arr

Johnny Secreto, 49 – Lodged in LCJ 5/28/13 on a warrant for third-degree robbery.
Johnny Secreto, 49 - 5-28 - rob 3 warrant oakridge

Allen Wallace, 48 – Lodged in LCJ 5/28/13 on charges of menacing and fourth-degree assault.
Allen Wallace, 48 - 5-28 - ass4, men

Aerica Kohler, 26 – Lodged in LCJ 5/28/13 for failure to appear on two counts of second-degree theft.
Aerica Kohler, 26 - 5-28 - t2 ftax2

Margaret Rust, 41 – Lodged in LCJ 5/28/13 on two counts of possession of methamphetamine and a charge of second-degree unlawful possession of a controlled substance.
Margaret Rust, 41 - 5-28 - upcs2, p methx2

Tawnya Braun, 39 – Lodged in LCJ 5/28/13 on charges of possession of methamphetamine, attempt to possess methamphetamine, driving while suspended and DUII. (Probation revoked)
Tawnya Braun, 39 - 5-28 - att p meth, p meth, dws, duii prob rev -- Coburg

Nile Glenn, 19 – Lodged in LCJ 5/28/13 on a federal offense hold.
Nile Glenn, 19 - 5-28 - fed hold

William Eli, 45 – Lodged in LCJ 5/27/13 for failure to appear on six counts of criminal trespass, two counts of interfering with police and a charge of resisting arrest.
William Eli, 45 - 5-27 - all fta - ctx6, int w pol, res arrx2

Kristin Hawk, 34 – Lodged in LCJ 5/27/13 on parole violations for first-degree theft and identity theft; charges of second-degree theft, provifdng false information to police, possession of a burglary tool and unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle.
Kristin Hawk, 34 - 5-27 - t2, false info, p burg tool, uemv, par viol for id theft and t1

Curtis Stromme, 67 - Lodged in LCJ 5/24/13 on nine counts of criminal trespass.
Curtis Stromme, 67 - 5-24 - ctx9

Conrad Middleton, 24 - Lodged in SMJ 5/24/13 on a charge of disorderly conduct.
Conrad Middleton, 24 - 5-24 SMJ - dc

James Dvorak, 49 - Lodged in LCJ 5/25/13 on charges of sex offender failure to report, second-degree burglary, second-degree theft, two charges of possession of methamphetamine and failure to appear on two counts of third-degree theft.
James Dvorak, 49 - 5-25 - sex off fail rpt, p methx2, fta t3x2, b2, t2


  1. Look at all the meth heads. This starts with a scumbag meth head and ends with a scumbag meth head. Lock up the meth users and throw away the key.

    These people are breathing air the rest of us could be using.

    1. I agree. Let's take all these meth addicts and shoot them. Let's start with the first fucktard on this list. It would sure save us the taxpayers big money before they reproduce and have little meth addicts.


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