Lane County Arrest Mugshots Extra – May 26, 2013

Information from the arrests of the following people is selected from the websites of Lane County Jail (LCJ) and Springfield Municipal Jail (SMJ). Pictures used in this article were taken from those websites and are public record. All those arrested are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
For an archive of all past mugshots articles, click here.
A list of criminal charges against persons and definitions of each one can be found here.
A list of criminal charges pertaining to property and definitions of each one can be found here.

Matthew Astbury, 32 – Lodged in LCJ 5/20/13 on charges of menacing APA and unlawful use of a weapon APA.
Matthew Astbury, 32 - 5-20 - men apa, uuw apa

Molly Gelinas, 29 – Lodged in LCJ 5/20/13 for failure to appear on charges of manufacture and delivery of heroin within 1,000 feet of a school, manufacture and delivery of cocaine within 1.000 feet of a school and third-degree theft.
Molly Gelinas, 29 - 5-20 - all fta, t3, manu and deli heroin w 1000 school, manu and del cocaine w 1000 school

Nicholas Roberts, 30 – Lodged in SMJ 5/20/13 on a charge of DUII.
Nicholas Roberts, 30 - 5-20- SMJ - duii

Rian Ockerman, 29 – Lodged in LCJ 5/20/13 on three counts of contempt of court – violation of a restraining order and two counts of contempt of court.
Rian Ockerman, 29 - 5-20 - cont court vrox3, cont courtx2

Samuel Remp, 18 – Lodged in LCJ 5/20/13 on charges of unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle and criminal trespass.
Samuel Remp, 18 - 5-20 - ct, uemv

Servando Lomeli-Ramirez, 38 – Lodged in LCJ 5/20/13 on a federal offense hold.
Servando Lomeli Ramirez, 38 - 5-20 - fed off hold

Shana Pena, 33 – Lodged in LCJ 5/20/13 as a fugitive from justice and a charge of second-degree theft.
Shana Pena, 33 - 5-20 - t2, ffj

Thomas Anderson, 44 – Lodged in LCJ 5/20/13 on a parole violation for third-degree robbery.
Thomas Anderson, 44 - 5-20 - rob3 oar viol

Timothy Harris, 28 – Lodged in SMJ 5/20/13 on a charge of driving while suspended.
Timothy Harris, 28 - 5-20 - SMJ - dws

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