Eugene Police Car Crashes Into Store While Responding to Call

EUGENE, OR – A Eugene Police Department vehicle crashed into the W 7th Ave. Mac Group building on the evening of February 22 after swerving to avoid a charter bus.

The crash occurred near the intersection of West 5th Avenue, where Highway 99 transitions into 7th Avenue. A bus was traveling west on 5th Avenue as the officer, who had lights and sirens activated, was heading east. The bus pulled into the intersection, prompting the officer to take evasive action.

To avoid a collision, the officer swerved and struck a curb. The impact deployed both airbags, likely obstructing the officer’s vision. The crash into the building followed shortly after.

The officer had been responding to a call at 7:36 p.m. about a reported stabbing, where a victim was said to be chasing a suspect. However, once on scene, police determined the individual was experiencing a mental health crisis and had not been stabbed.

The incident, logged as case #25-048011, remains under review. No further details have been released.

Information from EPD - Photo by Cheryl Richardson

Michael Weber, known for his extensive coverage of crime news in Lane County, continues to provide valuable updates to the local community. He runs the largest crime watch group in Lane County, Lane County Mugshots Uncensored, which currently has over 85,200 members. Support for local journalism is essential, and donations can be made via Venmo to @Michael-Weber-379 (last four digits of phone number: 0825).


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