Man Arrested for Arson at Eugene Ballet Academy


EUGENE, Ore. – A Eugene man has been arrested after allegedly attempting to shove burning materials through the mail slot of a midrise apartment building that houses the Ballet Academy.

According to Eugene Police, officers responded to the location at 174 E 16th Avenue around 6:30 a.m. on February 22 after reports of an arson attempt. Following an investigation, police identified the suspect as 59-year-old Lachlan Scott Proffit.

Proffitt was located the next day at 2445 Hilyard Street and taken into custody at 9:21 a.m. He was transported to Lane County Jail and charged with Arson in the First Degree.

The incident remains under investigation.

Case #25-02988

Information from EPD

Michael Weber, known for his extensive coverage of crime news in Lane County, continues to provide valuable updates to the local community. He runs the largest crime watch group in Lane County, Lane County Mugshots Uncensored, which currently has over 85,200 members. Support for local journalism is essential, and donations can be made via Venmo to @Michael-Weber-379 (last four digits of phone number: 0825).


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