Eugene Man Sentenced to 25 Years for Armed Robberies at Everyone’s Market

EUGENE, Ore. – Lonnie Edward Huddleston was transferred to Coffee Creek Correctional Facility for intake today after being sentenced earlier this month for a series of armed robberies.

Huddleston, pled guilty to six counts of first-degree robbery, and according to jail records, was sentenced to 25 years in prison. The exact details of his sentence has not been made public at this time. We will update this article if we find more information on his sentencing. 

The charges stem from a string of armed robberies at Everyone’s Market on Echo Hollow Road and one on River Road between 2021 and 2024.

Robbery in the first degree is a measure 11 offence/crime. As such Huddleston will have to serve each and every day of his sentence minus any time in county lock up. 

Huddleston's case is officially listed under Case Number 24CR14925.

Jail record:

Original KEZI story:

Photo curtesy of KEZI. Photo is of Huddleston being arrested on Mar 20, 2024 at the W.11th Fred Meyer.

Michael Weber, known for his extensive coverage of crime news in Lane County, continues to provide valuable updates to the local community. He runs the largest crime watch group in Lane County, Lane County Mugshots Uncensored, which currently has over 84,500 members. Support for local journalism is essential, and donations can be made via Venmo to @Michael-Weber-379 (last four digits of phone number: 0825).


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